Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

Fakta Ilmiah Bumi Datar (Flat Earth)

Terlepas dari apakah teori bumi datar ini benar ataukah tidak, apakah penggagas dan penganut teori Bumi datar ini sudah sinting ataukah tidak.

Setidaknya adanya gerakan sebagian masyarakat yang menyuarakan fakta bahwa Bumi ini sesungguhnya adalah datar, dapat membuat kita mengkaji ulang berbagai informasi yang sudah ditanamkan ke dalam otak kita. Yang mana informasi itu akhirnya menjadi sebuah sugesti hipnotis yang kita yakini di dalam pikiran kita.

Benarkah segala hal yang kita yakini selama ini adalah benar adanya? Apakah selama ini informasi yang disajikan kepada kita semua adalah benar sesuai kenyataan yang ada? Ataukah semua itu hanya sebuah rekayasa demi kepentingan kelompok tertentu saja?

Ya, adanya pro kontra bumi datar ini. Setidaknya Dapat menjadi pendobrak kebekuan kita dalam berfikir dan kemalasan kita dalam menganalisa kesahihan informasi yang disampaikan kepada kita. Yang tanpa sadar, semuanya itu telah memenjarakan fikiran kita pada suatu persepsi dan pemikiran yang telah disetting sedemikian rupa hanya demi kepentingan sekelompok orang tertentu saja.

Ya, lihatlah berita-berita yang melintas di beranda akun social media kita. Betapa mudahnya kita digiring untuk menyukai sesuatu dan membenci sesuatu yang sebenarnya sesuatu itu sama sekali tidak kita kenal.

Kita menjadi suka dengan seseorang dan membenci seseorang hanya berdasarkan berita-berita serta informasi yang disampaikan kepada kita.

Lalu bagaimana jika sumber-sumber berita dan informasi itu ternyata telah berkonspirasi untuk merekayasa suatu kebohongan sebagai sesuatu yang seolah-olah benar?

Bagaimana jika selama ini ternyata pikiran kita telah dikendalikan oleh sekelompok orang yang menjadi penguasa dari Sumber berita tersebut?

Sungguh menyedihkan sekali bukan?

Okey, kembali ke topik bumi datar. Secara pribadi, saya sendiri tidak dapat menentukan siapa yang benar. Apakah teori bumi bulat ataukah teori bumi datar. Karena saya bukanlah seorang yang ahli di bidang ini, dan saya juga tidak berkepentingan dalam hal ini. Namun setidaknya, pro kontra teori bumi ini. Dapat menjadi bahan renungan bagi saya. Untuk menemukan kemerdekaan yang hakiki, terbebas dari kendali orang lain, dan terbebas dari penjara pikiran yang diciptakan oleh orang lain demi kepentingan dan keuntungan mereka.

Lalu siapakah penggagas dari teori bumi datar ini dan apa fakta ilmiah yang mereka sajikan? Baiklah, simak terus tulisan kali ini dan lihat juga video-video yang ada.

Pertama, mari kita baca mengenai Flat Earth Society yang saya ambilkan dari Wikipedia.

Flat Earth Society (juga dikenal sebagai International Flat Earth Society atau International Flat Earth Research Society) adalah sebuah organisasi yang memiliki keyakinan bahwa bumi berbentuk datar, bertentangan dengan fakta-fakta ilmiah yang menunjukkan bahwa bumi itu bulat.

Organisasi modernnya didirikan oleh seorang pria asal Inggris, Samuel Shenton pada 1956,dan kemudian dipimpin oleh Charles K. Johnson, yang menjadikan rumahnya di Lancaster, California, sebagai basis organisasi. Organisasi ini tidak lagi aktif semenjak kematian Johnson pada 2001, namun baru-baru ini organisasi Flat Earth Society dimunculkan kembali oleh presiden barunya, Daniel Shenton.

Model bumi terkini yang dibuat oleh Flat Earth Society memperlihatkan bahwa bumi berbentuk cakram, dengan Kutub Utara sebagai pusatnya sedangkan Kutub Selatan merupakan dinding es di pinggiran bumi.

Peta tersebut mirip dengan peta pada bendera Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, yang oleh Johnson digunakan untuk untuk memperkuat pendapatnya. Menurut model ini, matahari dan bulan masing-masing berdiameter 52 km (32 mil).

Flat Earth Society merekrut anggota dengan cara menentang pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan lembaga-lembaganya, terutama NASA. Sebagian besar literatur organisasi pada masa-masa awalnya lebih berfokus dalam penafsiran Alkitab secara harfiah, meskipun mereka juga berupaya memberikan bukti dan penjelasan ilmiah.

Kepercayaan bahwa Bumi berbentuk datar merupakan ciri khas kosmologi kuno sampai sekitar abad keempat SM, ketika para filsuf Yunani kuno mulai berpendapat bahwa Bumi berbentuk bulat. Aristoteles adalah salah satu pemikir pertama yang mengajukan pendapat tentang Bumi bulat pada 330 SM. Menjelang awal Abad Pertengahan, pengetahuan bahwa Bumi itu bulat menyebar luas di seluruh Eropa.

Hipotesis modern yang mendukung teori Bumi datar dicetuskan oleh seorang penemu asal inggris, Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1884). Berdasarkan penafsirannya mengenai ayat-ayat tertentu di Alkitab, Rowbotham mempublikasikan sebuah pamflet 16 halaman, yang kemudian ia kembangkan menjadi sebuah buku setebal 430 halaman berjudul Earth Not a Globe, yang menguraikan pandangannya. Berdasarkan sistem Rowbotham, yang dia sebut "Astronomi Zetetis", bumi adalah sebuah cakram datar yang berpusat di Kutub utara dan dikelilingi oleh dinding es Antarktika, sementara matahari dan bulan berjarak sekitar 4800 km (3000 mil) dan kosmos berjarak 5000 km (3100 mil) di atas bumi.

Selengkapnya, silahkan baca di . https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth_Society.


Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

Tugas softskill 4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 37: Relative Clauses
1. The last record that was produced by this company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts that require a minimum balance are very common now.
3. The professor who spoke with you yesterday is not here today.
4. John whom are the highest grade in the school has received a scholarship.
5. Felipe bought a camera, that has three lenses.
6. Frank is the man, who are going to nominated for the office of treasurer.
7. The doctor is with a patient, whose leg was broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the woman, who is going to China next year.
9. Janet wants a typewriter, which self-corrects.
10. This book that I found last week contains some usefull information.
11. Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article, that indicated that he disliked the president.
13. The director of the program which graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year.
14. This is the book, that I've been looking for all year.
15. William who has lawyer's brother wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38: Relative Clause Reduction

1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2. All of the money accepted has already been released.
3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia.
4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.
5. The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen.
6. John's wife a proffesor, has written several papers on this subject.
7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8. The book on the top shelf is the one that I need.
9. The number of students been counted is quite high.
10. Leo Evants a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day.

Exercise 39: Subjunctive
1. Correct
2. It was urgent that he call her immediately
3. Correct
4. She intends to move that the committee suspend discussion on this issue
5. The king decreed that the new laws take effect the following month
6. Correct
7. I advise that you take the prerequisites before registering for this course
8. His father prefers that he attend a different university
9. Correct
10. She urged that we find another alternative.

Exercise 40: Inclusives
1. Not only
2. And
3. Both
4. But also
5. And
6. Not only
7. And
8. But also
9. As well as
10. As wel as

Exercise 41: Know/Know How
1. Know how
2. Know how
3. Know
4. Know
5. Know how
6. Know
7. Know how
8. Know
9. Know how
10. Know how

Exercise 42: Clauses of Concession
1. Although she dislike coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.
2. Mary will take a plane, in spite of her dislike of.
3. Although Marcy's sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.
4. We took many pictures despite cloudy sky.
5. Even though she has poor memory, the old woman told interesting stories to the children.
6. In spite of his frequently absent, he has managed to pass the test.
7. Nancy told me the secret, though she has promised not to do so.
8. We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing even though we had knew we will not win.
9. Even though it is high price, my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday.
10. He ate the chocolate cake even in spite of the diet.

Exercise 43: Problem Verbs
1. Lies
2. Sit
3. Laid
4. Rose
5. Raise
6. Lay
7. Lying
8. Raised
9. Rises
10. Set

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Tugas softskill 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Latihan 35 : Passive Voice
1. The President is being called by somebody everyday
2. The other members are being called by John
3. Mr. Watson would be called by somebody tonight
4. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire
5. The supplies for this class should have been bought by the teacher

Latihan 36 : Causative Verbs
1. Left
2. Repaired
3. Typed
4. Called
5. Painted
6. Wrote
7. Lied
8. Sent
9. Cut
10. Signed
11. Left
12. Washed
13. Fixed
14. Published
15. Found

Rabu, 19 April 2017

Tugas softskill 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 26:Adjective and Adverbs (Halaman 107 - 108)
1. Well
2. Intense
3. Brightly
4. Fluent
5. Fluently
6. Smooth
7. Accurately
8. Bitter
9. Soon
10. Fast

Exercise 27 : Linking, Copulative (Halaman 109)
1. Terrible
3. Good
4. Calm
5. Sick
6. Quickly
7. Diligently
8. Vehemently
9. Relaxed
10. Noisy

Exercise 28 : Comparisons (Halaman 114)
1. As soon
2. More important
3. As well
4. More expensive
5. As hot
6. More talented
7. More colorful
8. Happier
9. Worse
10. Faster

Exercise 29 : Comparisons (Halaman 114)
1. Than
2. Than
3. From
4. Than
5. As
6. Than
7. As
8. Than
9. Than
10. From

Exercise 30 : Comparisons (Halaman 117 - 118)
1. Best                              
2. Happiest                        
3. Faster                            
4. Creamiest                      
5. More colorful                
6. Better                            
7. Good                            
8. More Awkwardly          
9. Least                            
10. Prettiest                        
11. The best
12. From
13. Less impressive
14. The sicker
15. When
16. Twice as much as
17. Little
18. Much
19. farther
20. More Famous

Exercise 31 : Nouns Functioning as Adjectives (Halaman 119)
1. Twelve-story
2. Language
3. Three-act
4. Two-day
5. 79-piece
6. Five-shelve
7. 16-ounce
8. Six-quart
9. Brick
10. Ten-speed

Exercise 32 : Enough (Halaman 120)
1. Enough people
2. Enough French
3. Enough Time
4. Fast enough
5. Soon enough
6. Early enough
7. Hard enough
8. Slowly enough
9. Enough flour
10. Enough books

Exercise 33 : Because / Because Of (Halaman 121)
1. Because
2. Because
3. Because of
4. Because
5. Because
6. Because of
7. Because of
8. Because
9. Because
10. Because of

Exercise 34 : So / Such (Halaman 124)
1. So
2. Such
3. So
4. Such
5. So
6. So
7. Such
8. So
9. Such
10. Such
11. So
12. So
13. Such
14. So
15. So

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Tugas softskill 1 Bahssa Inggris Bisnis 2


Exercise 21: Conditional Sentences (Page 97-98)

1. Understood
2. Would not have been
3. Will give
4. Would have told
5. Would have been
6. Had
7. Stopped
8. Needed
9. Would have found
10. Enjoyed
11. Paint
12. Were
13. Writes
14. Had permitted
15. Had spent
16. Will accept
17. Buys
18. Had decided
19. Would have written
20. Will leak
21. Studied
22. Hears
23. See
24. Gets
25. Turn
26. Were
27. Would have called
28. Would have talked
29. Explained
30. Spoke

Exercise 22: Used To (Page 99)

1. Eating
2. Eating
3. Swimming
4. Liking
5. Speaking
6. Studying
7. Dancing
8. Sleeping
9. Eating
10. Eating

Exercise 23: Would Rather (Page 101-102)

1. Stay
2. Stayed
3. Work
4. Studied
5. Not Study
6. Have
7. Stood
8. Not cook
9. Had not arrived
10. Have slept

Exercise 24: Must/Should + Perfective (Page105)

1. Should have had
2. Must have been
3. Must have damaged
4. Should not have packed
5. Must have studied
6. Should have studied
7. Must have been
8. Should have deposit
9. Must have forgotten
10. Must not have been studied

Exercise 25: Modals + Perfective (Page 105-106)

1. I would
2. Would have gone
3. May have had
4. Should have done
5. Must have forgotten
6. May have slept
7. Might have had
8. Could have lost
9. Should not have driven
10. It may have run

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